I blog for the hell of it.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

My Day: 21 August 2011

Day of Rest . . . . Now that we've started our Big Push to get the condo in shape to sell, I've had to declare one day a week an official DAY OFF. Otherwise, there would be no let-up in M's campaign to keep me always at it (to be fair, he keeps himself "at it" even more intensely). So on Sunday, we rest. We don't even talk about doing any fixing up, clearing out, sorting or rehab work.

Anyway, that's the theory. At least it worked today. It was lovely -- I got lots of reading done, and did a little genealogy work. In the evening, we watched one of my favorite old movies (Hitchcock's North By Northwest), and the brief thunderstorm cleared itself away in plenty of time for M to make his famous grilled tuna (with pico de gallo garnish) for dinner. Now if the Cowboys had just won their preseason game, the day would have been pretty nearly perfect.

Obviously I've given up on the "one-sentence" idea. Still think it's intriguing, but I'm too much of a blabber-mouth to make it work.

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